
Residents at Lostock Lodge complete sixty-six lap fundraiser

Residents at Lostock Lodge Care Home in Lostock Gralam near Northwich raised £300 this week to kick start their fundraising campaign for a community defibrillator. The fundraising challenge was for the residents to walk sixty-six laps of the car park in a relay. One lap represents each resident at Lostock Lodge.

“We are so excited about our new fundraising challenge at Lostock Lodge Care Home.” said Customer Relations Manager Nina Rogers. “We have decided to raise money for a community defibrillator for Cheshire Business Park and for our resident’s Comfort Fund. In the last couple of weeks, we have had an incident where we needed a defibrillator at the home. The closest defibrillator takes us approximately 6-12 minutes to get to, which is crucial time that could be spent with a patient. The defibrillator will be located on an external wall at Lostock Lodge enabling it to be used by the whole community around Cheshire Business Park.”

Residents had a great afternoon completing their laps, encouraged by staff and cheered on by family members, there was plenty of singing and dancing keep everyone going. The fundraiser was briefly interrupted by rain, but the residents were determined to complete their challenge and finish their laps. Staff from the local Subway store joined in the fun and were cheered on by the mascot from the local Co-op store on the Cheshire Business Park.

Fundraising will continue through the summer with lots of fun events for family, friends and the local community to join in with. For more information about life at Lostock Lodge Care Home or to make a contribution, contact Customer Relations Manager, Nina Rogers on 01606 331953 or email nina.rogers@countrycourtcare.com.

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