
Science Week at Abbey Grange Care & Nursing Home

Recently at Abbey Grange Care and Nursing Home in Sheffield residents enjoyed a week full of all thing’s science. The week was led by Activity Coordinator Michael Nicholls, a big science fan. Michael was keen to share his knowledge with residents at the home who have a shared interest in science.

‘Residents Brian, Peter, John and I took a trip to The J A Jones Hoober Observatory near Rotherham which belongs to Mexborough and Swinton Astronomical Society. They all particularly enjoyed the outing and loved the talk we were given by Roy Gunson who is the Deputy Chairman’ commented Michael.

‘I am a keen amateur astronomer and photographer and have been showing residents and staff my photos. This always creates a talking point and resident Brian said that he thought space was a fascinating subject. Together we decided that a trip to the Observatory would be a great idea.’ Commented Activity Coordinator Michael Nicholls.

‘All the residents were extremely interested in the presentations we were given about space. John in particular was curious about shooting stars and what they actually were.’ Commented Activity Coordinator Sharon O’Gorman


The residents saw a variety of images that scientists had discovered & recorded about space. A top favourite was an image of Comet 67/P in comparison to the scale of Los Angeles to which resident Peter commented ‘blimey you wouldn’t want that landing on your head would you!’

‘After a few presentations by Roy Gunson we all gathered outside to take some lovely photos and bought some mementos from our visit. All the residents thoroughly enjoyed science week and the trip to the observatory’ Commented Activity Coordinator Sharon O’Gorman

On the way home residents enjoyed a stop off at a pub for some lunch. ‘This has been an excellent day out’ commented resident Brian. ‘The day after the trip residents were still fascinated and buzzing from everything they had seen at the Observatory’ Commented Home Manager Kerry Peach.

‘All in all, it was an excellent visit enjoyed by all and I would like to thank the society and all involved in the organisation of the event for making it such a memorable and enjoyable visit, I know they got a lot out of it’ commented Activity Coordinator Michael Nicholls.

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To find out more about life at Abbey Grange Care & Nursing Home please contact the home on 01142 560046 or email abbeygrange@countrycourtcare.com

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