
Lyle House VS Woodlands House Sports Day

Residents and staff from Country Court’s Lyle House Care Home in Roehampton and Woodlands House Care and Nursing Home in Colliers Wood enjoyed competing head-to-head in a sports day this week at The Home Guard club in Richmond Park, London.

A range of sports day themed races were set out on the grounds, including the Egg and Spoon race, Archery, Bean Bag Toss and Bowls. Together with the Wellbeing Teams at each care home, the residents decided on the races and enjoyed reminiscing about school sports days as they prepared for their day in the park. 

Residents enjoyed competing in each race for their home and were awarded personalised 1st, 2nd and 3rd place stickers with the overall winning home, Lyle House being announced at the end on a points basis.

Betty, a resident from Woodlands House Care and Nursing Home commented, “I enjoyed seeing everyone

Whilst the family of a resident commented “Really glad I came to volunteer, it’s good to see all the residents together.” –  The Bogg family

Senior Customer Relations Manager, Katelyn also commented on the day.

“We had a wonderful afternoon bringing out our resident’s competitive side out and joining the two homes together which are both part of the Country Court group. Residents enjoyed meeting new friends and sharing new experiences together. We wanted to say a big thank you to The Home Guard Club who hosted the event and to all our wonderful staff involved.”

For more information about Lyle House Care Home or Woodlands House Care and Nursing Home, please contact our Senior Customer Relations Manager, Katelyn Escoto Coello on 07872 860 093 or email katelyn.coello@countrycourtcare.com

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