
Virtual Reality at Somerset House Care & Nursing Home

Recently residents and staff at Somerset House Care and Nursing Home in York got to enjoy a virtual reality experience day with footage from Fountains Abbey. Home Administrator Alex set up the experience day for residents and staff using their own business, Recreo VR. It helps care organisations to incorporate virtual reality into the care that the homes provide. Alex has developed the app and records the majority of the content for the virtual reality they present to the homes.

Recreo also has a partnership with National Trust to digitize their locations and deliver experiences in homes for those who cannot visit their properties in person. Residents and staff were able to watch a documentary about the property first, then had a group conversation about who had been there before and their experience in said place. They then virtually visited using the VR headset and had further conversations afterward about what they had seen. The company carry out similar activities for reminiscence therapy to help those with dementia in other homes too.

Alex commented that ‘the reactions of the residents were incredible. Three of the residents were singing along with the Christmas carols. It was an amazing display produced by the team at Fountains Abbey – National Trust, and it’s a privilege to be able to share it with the residents at Somerset House.’ Home Manager Dipin Peters said ‘It’s really great to see the residents having a fun time and revisiting places from their past they otherwise couldn’t”

The VR experience was a huge success in the home, well-being coordinator Jeanette commented that “The VR took them around the world, and they absolutely loved it. The residents were happy and energised all from the comfort and safety of their trusty armchair”. Residents also got to reminisce about passed experiences and commented “I used to go here with my beautiful wife, it’s fabulous to revisit” & “The technology is marvellous. The sight, the colour, the singing, it’s the full package”

Recreo VR are currently building case studies and growing partnerships with University of Hull. They are also expanding their partnership with National Trust next year to begin delivering Virtual Reality experiences of their properties on a much larger scale.

To find out more life at Somerset House Care & Nursing Home, please contact the home 01904 448313 or email somersethouse@countrycourtcare.com.

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