Healthy smoothies for older people

As part of growing older, our nutritional needs change. Ensuring we eat a varied and balanced diet will help us stay as healthy, active, and as strong as possible.

We are all encouraged to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day and as part of the ‘Caring with Food’ initiative, residents at Country Court care homes enjoy making their own smoothies. The initiative aims to support care home residents to make healthy choices in support of various conditions they may be living with from high blood pressure to diabetes.

The weekly smoothie menu includes enticing combinations from strawberry and banana to ginger and fruit.

People enjoy talking about the ingredients for their smoothies and understanding the health benefits of each. Staff in the homes have found that by encouraging people to participate in making the smoothie they are fifty per cent more likely to try it. Smoothie menus are annotated with QR codes that take you to YouTube instructional videos we have made so staff can quickly see how to make them.

We are delighted at how well residents have responded to this approach,” said Senior Hospitality Operations Manager, Ian Powell. “We’ve encouraged the whole staff team to be involved with smoothie making and ensured that any staff member can lead the activity with the QR video codes, not only the catering team. It’s great to see people embracing healthy and nutritious options in their diets”. 

There is a growing body of research to suggest that a well-balanced diet is key to keeping a strong and healthy mind, body and immune system. The Country Court initiative has focused on five age-related illnesses and conditions: Dementia, urinary tract infections, high blood pressure, diabetes and arthritis. The staff in the care homes are being given training to support residents who choose healthy options on their daily menus.

To find out more about life in Country Court care and nursing home contact your nearest home, you can see a full list of our care homes here.

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