
22 years and counting at The Grove Care Home

Celebrations at The Grove - 

Staff at The Grove Care Home in Grimsby organised a celebratory afternoon tea for Resident Joyce who moved into The Grove 22 years ago. Joyce enjoyed cups of tea and freshly made cake during her afternoon tea with her son Ray. Hospitality lead Beckie Dayton & Chef Manager Hayley Barber organised the afternoon tea as a celebration for Joyce.

Life at The Grove Care Home -

‘Joyce started her new chapter in life at The Grove 22 years ago. When she first moved in she was very low in mood due to being isolated at home, she was very upset and fearful of the unknown. But this didn’t take long to change once Joyce had settled in and met everyone. She is very much a part of our big family here’ Commented Customer Relations Manager Ros Wells.

For the celebrations Joyce wore her special dress and had her hair done. ‘Mum said she couldn’t sleep last night as she was too excited in anticipation for today’s celebrations. Just like she remembers feeling at Christmas as a child.’ Commented Son Ray.

‘I wouldn’t change a thing, I love living here, my room is like a little flat. I am surrounded by all my special memories.’ Commented resident Joyce.

‘Many of the staff team who were here when Joyce first move into The Grove Care Home are still working here today and those who have left in the duration are still in touch with Joyce as friends. We have built a lovely community here at The Grove’. Commented Home Manager Kelly Lofts.

Joyce has seen many changes at The Grove over the years and exciting changes are coming in early 2024. The home is currently being renovated and extended to provide an additional thirteen ensuite bedrooms. New facilities will include an additional dining and lounge space, a spa area, café and entertainment lounge.

Contact Us - 

To find our more information about The Grove Care Home please contact Customer Relations Manager Ros Wells on 01472 821 127 or via email ros.wells@countrycourtcare.com

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