
Ruckland Court Care Home was officially declared open by the Mayor of Lincoln

On Wednesday 13th of March, Ruckland Court Care Home, nestled in the Ermine district of north Lincoln was officially opened by the Right Worshipful Mayor of Lincoln, Councillor Biff Bean who cut the ribbon together with Al-Karim Kachra, Co -CEO of Country Court.   

The event was to celebrate the completion of the renovation and refurbishments which have recently taken place. Families and friends of the residents and the wider community were all invited to attend the event, hosted by staff from the home.

Officially opened by the Mayor of Lincoln

Visitors enjoyed a fantastic afternoon tea-themed buffet, live music and tours of the home to showcase the stunning new rooms. Entertainment was also arranged for residents and visitors to enjoy in the two lounge dining rooms for the afternoon so everyone could feel involved in the event.

The Mayor of Lincoln, Biff Bean said “Thank you for inviting me to officially open Ruckland Court Care Home, I am so impressed with the results of the refurbishments, I visited the home in December while some of the work was taking place and I was looking forward to returning. I am very impressed with the results it’s a beautiful building”.

Round of applause for everyone involved

Co-CEO of the award-winning Country Court group Al-Karim Kachra said during his speech “We need to give a big round of applause to everyone who has been involved, including the staff team who have continued to do an amazing job and for MV construction and the development team who have worked so hard during this project.  The feedback regarding the cooperation and the positivity about this project is beyond anything I have known and is a testament to the home manager and his dedicated staff team”.

The residents, their families and friends enjoyed relaxing in the new Coffee Club bistro, which is a fantastic new area where they can socialise with tea or coffee and cake, making it feel even more welcoming and inclusive.

Incredible transformation and benefit to the residents

Adam Atkin, Home Manager of Ruckland Court commented “The transformation has been incredible, and the new facilities will be of huge benefit to the residents.  The new Coffee Club bistro and the lounge dining rooms provide great spaces for inviting people from the community to join our residents for events and special occasions. I am proud of my staff team who have had a positive attitude with all the work taking place, while still caring for our residents and I would like to say thank you to the families for being patient while all the refurbishments were under construction.  The reactions of residents, families and staff have been a true wow moment. I look forward to the residents taking full advantage of the new facilities in their home.”

Contact us

For more information about Ruckland Court Care Home or to make an appointment to view the home please contact Adam Atkin Home Manager on 01522 530 217 or email rucklandcourt@countrycourtcare.com.

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